

Happy Monday! So I’m currently reading this book called, You are a Badass by Jen Sincero and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who's planning on looking into it, but I do want to steal a little excerpt from it that has already impacted me. Sincero says, “ All energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Which means you’re vibrating at a certain frequency, and everything you desire and don’t desire, is also vibrating at a certain frequency.” She explains further by basically saying that positives and things you want vibrate at a high frequency and negatives and things you don’t want to vibrate at a low frequency. And since vibrations attract alike vibrations, if you operate at a high frequency, you will attract positive experiences and things you want. I love this so much because I’ve noticed that when I’m in an amazing mood, life just flows with that and vice versa. So remember as you continue this week and life in general, try to remain at a high frequency; you never know what you might attract.