
What happens when the new Delta Pilates Front Desk Coordinators take their very first Apparatus Class?

For any person reading this that has never taken a Pilates Class, and is unsure about what to expect, I can tell you, you are not alone. I was unaware of what to expect when Alexis, the owner and instructor of Delta Pilates, invited her staff, myself included, to take an Apparatus Class. The class was not easy, however, it really showed me the different way my body can stretch and introduced me to hidden strength I was unaware I had. Overall, it was exciting and fulfilling.

It was a Friday, the three of us stood there watching Alexis finish up a lesson with a client, anxious and excited to learn how to use these unusual machines. All three of us were health conscious and accustomed to exercising, but none of us had ever taken a Pilates Class of any kind, and we were unbelievably curious. We filled up our water bottles and got to work. We spent a lot of time on a machine that is called a Reformer. After the second or third exercise that Alexis showed us how to do, I could really feel my abdominals and hamstrings feeling stretched and also tired. As I looked at my co-workers, I could tell I was not the only one feeling this way. Some exercised took much more concentration than the others. We learned the proper ways to transition the equipment, and how to do certain exercises in a more advanced manner, however, to be honest, the easier exercises had me sweating. We moved on to use the Ladder Barrel, the Towers, the Hi/Lo Wunda Chairs, and ended with the Pedipole. Each piece of equipment serves a certain purpose, and each is challenging in its own way. My favorite was the Wunda Chair, which I am pretty was the reason I was sore the next day. As we finished, I felt beat, but accomplished, similar to the feeling you get after a long run or a deep stretch.

The thing Alexis taught me about Pilates is that it is not just for your physical health, but also for your mental health. While I was exercising my body, and boy was it a work out, I was also exercising my mind. Learning to control your breathing throughout the class allows you to stay calm and relaxed. It really took me to a place where any stress or anger I had felt when I walked in the door disappeared. I was sore the next day, but I felt a sense of peace that I wanted to feel again. I cannot wait for my next opportunity to take a class with Alexis and learn even more about this fantastic form of fitness.